Grade 5


1. Doing the shopping.


1. Pairwork. Game: "How much is it?"

1.1. Before reading activity
          Speaking about the origin of Easter.
          Watching of the film “Easter Story for Kids”

1.2. While reading activity
          The text “The Easter Story”
Jesus rode into jerusalem on a donkey. He was greeted by people with palm branches. Jesus talked to them.
Some pepole dedn’t like him and wanted him o be killed. Jesus had a special supper with his friends. He knew he was going to die. They drank wine and ate bread. He said it should remind them of him.
Then Jesus and his friends went to a garden to pray. Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek helping the guards to arrest Jesus. Jesus was brought to see Pontius Pilate.
Some people told him Jesus was evil and he should die. Jesus was hung on a cross on Golgotha to die.
Two Jesus’ friends took his body to a cave and burried in a tomb.
When early on Easter Sunday morning some women came to the tomb, it was empty!
Then the women saw an angel who told them that Jesus was alive! Suddenly, they saw Jesus and he talked to them. He told all his friends that he wuold come back one day. After that he went up to Heaven.

1.3. After reading activity
         Speaking about Easter symbols
         Match photos with names
       Easter basket             paska                     
       Easter  candle           Krashankas                                   
         pysankas                      dove

Places in town

Directions, an interactive worksheet by schumax

                        Prepositions of place 

                               in Kahoot

Prepositions of place, an interactive worksheet by victor

Present Perfect

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